Tutorial and Guidelines on How to vote and collect hearts on the Choeaedol App

    Hello everyone! Here are the guidelines on how to earn as many hearts as possible and how to use them efficiently. Please read it carefully before you start to vote for LISA!!


    Choeaedol app is a voting app that’s used as a platform to vote for k-artists daily.

    What do you get from voting?
    They’ll accumulate your votes to decide on the rankings. If you rank #1, you’ll be the “Charity Angel” and they’ll donate under your name

    This time, SOBA awards is using this app to measure the “popularity award” for kpop idols & other categories


    1. Vote only on LISA’s community post and not the chart to get 10% bonus for both voter & writer

    2. Collect 100 hearts before you vote and vote with even numbers such as 100, 200, 300 etc.

    3. Only vote with daily hearts and save your ever hearts for emergencies

    4. Save some daily hearts and vote 5-10 minutes before the voting closes at 11:30 PM KST

    Tips :

    1. Delete your friends and add another group of people, so you can send and receive hearts more than 3 times a day.

    2. To do this, make a group chat to work together.

    NOTE : During the voting period of SORIBADA Best K-music Awards,
    Strict measures will be taken if one is found to be using multiple accounts (more than 3 accounts on the same device) to vote. Using unauthorized add-on apps to register multiple accounts is also strictly prohibited.


    Daily Hearts :

    1. Daily log in

    Log in everyday to get 100 hearts (there may be extra hearts depending on your level)
    > Hot time log in reward - You will get 30 extra hearts if you log in during the hot time (8PM KST - 11:30PM KST)

    2. Add friends

    You can add friends and send each other hearts (max. 300 hearts) once in every 10 minutes, for 3 times a day.

    3. Heart Box

    click post on LISA’s community and you will see a Heart Box that you can click. It’ll give you 7, 20, 100 or 1000 hearts (depending on your luck)

    NOTE : you can click it up to 5 times every 4 hours. You can watch an ad for extra box hearts (max 5 box hearts)

    Ever Hearts :

    1. Post on LISA’s community

    > Upload (one) high-quality image (600px or more) to get 100 hearts

    > Upload a VIDEO URL (YouTube, V app, Naver) on LISA’s community to get 100 hearts

    * Up to 100 hearts a day are rewarded when you upload the image or URL during the Hot Time (8PM KST - 11:30 PM KST).

    NOTE :
    If you upload the same picture or URL which already exists in the last 10 posts, hearts are not provided.

    2. Video Ads

    watch ads to get 30 ever hearts, you can watch 10 times/hour!

    3. Vote reward:

    If you vote with more than 100 hearts at one time, you‘ll get an extra 10% as the reward. The writer with more than 100 votes/hearts will also get an extra 10%.

    4. Invite others

    Inform others who don’t have an account yet to download the app and use your recommender code. You‘ll get 1000 hearts (min level 2)

    Thank you for reading! We hope that it was helpful for you. Let’s keep working hard for LISA!

    [email protected]



    The Team


    Lisanations - DC Lisa Gallery - Lili Team